Feb 17, 2022
We welcome back Neel
Ghosh to the program to hang out and serenade us with his
sweet, sweet melodies. Watch Neel's weekly show, "Sorry
We're Stoned", every Monday at 8:00pm EST.
Call in to the show at 319-346-3025!
Also, checkout Neel's recent EP, Dune Toons...
(5:25) Zoom therapy
(9:08) Actual interview of Neel
(14:14) Zach's trombone prowess
(18:12) @kothscreens
(23:38) DUNE
(35:37) Tor wakes up
(47:37) Zach's therapy breakthrough
(54:48) Tor's Jar Jar Binks impression
(59:48) Sex Fucko fan fiction
(1:04:20) Space Westerns
(1:07:48) Performance #1 (Jar Jar Binks)
(1:15:50) Performance #2 (I Love You, Mana)
(1:25:16) Mailbag question
ILYM Plugs:
Mike Lester's Upcoming Shows:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iloveyoumana/
Discord: https://discord.gg/VeVs3g2
IG: https://www.instagram.com/Iloveyoumana/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ILoveYouMana
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iloveyoumanatv
Intro/Outro: Sorry We're Stoned | Ep.17
ILYM Theme: dmoon
Editing: Micah/Belly