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I Love You, Mana

Aug 19, 2021

Folks, this one’s pretty loose—an inexplicable free-flow of content from the deep recesses of the I Love You, Mana multiverse. Zach, Tor, and Micah are joined by special guests Aaron Isaacs (@AaronIsaacs69), country music star Mrs. R. McEntire, and Ricky Ramen as they discuss a variety of issues exclusively related to the topic of Magic, The Gathering. In the latter part of the episode, the gang attempts and fails to read through MaRo’s State of Design 2021 article.

Extra Plugs: Check out the I Love You, Mana instagram (@iloveyoumana) for another giveaway contest! You have a week to enter for a chance to win a foil Kaldra Compleat (Bionicle card)! 

And join the I Love You, Mana Patreon ( for exclusive access to our new series “The Joe Lester Sessions”! Stick around for a special easter egg trailer at the end of the episode. 



